Misc Guides
Secure your Bot
Please follow the steps to ensure your members are not LOST FOREVER
Following these steps doesn’t guarantee that your bot won’t get disabled. Depending on your activity, there will always be a slim chance of your bot getting disabled.
Use an alt account!
Use an account that is in NO Servers to own the bot. Make sure the alt account is NOT IN YOUR OWN SERVER too.
Do NOT give the bot Administrator
The bot should NOT HAVE ADMIN. Please do NOT give it a “Bots” role or anything like that. This increases the chance of problems if your server ever gets false reported.
Use an appropriate bot name.
Use a name that doesn’t break Discord’s TOS. Make sure it doesn’t exactly match your server name. Do not impersonate other bots.
Add the bot to a team.
Add your bot to a team through the Discord Developer Application using this tutorial. Doing this will allow you to have access to the bot even if you lose access to your account.