400Bad Request - Invalid parameters.
401Unauthorized - Unable to authenticate.
403Forbidden - The request is not allowed.
404Not Found - The specified resource could not be found.
406Not Acceptable - You requested a format that isn’t JSON.
429Too Many Requests - You have reached the rate limit.
500Internal Server Error - We had a problem with our server. Try again later. These are rare.
503Service Unavailable - We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


Rate-limiting errors (429) happen when you are sending too many requests to the developers API.

How it works

Our rate-limiting system is based on 10-second intervals rather than 1, meaning that you can make a burst of API calls within the first second, then wait 9 seconds and do it again.

For example, if you are on the Standard tier with 50 req/10s, you can send 50 requests within a second, then wait 9 seconds to send the others and it would work.

If you go over the allowed rate-limit for your tier, we .

General endpoints

All VaultCord API endpoints are rate-limited. Based on your tier, you have access to different rate-limiting values.

To upgrade to a higher tier, please reach out to us through our Discord community
Standard50 req/10s
Premium100 req/10s